Sunday, February 21, 2010

After All Scarlet...Tommorow IS Another Day!

Ok, so Friday day, we spent the day with 4 of my 5 neices and nephews and my 2 insane sissys :)

Friday night I ended up on a much needed girl time adventure with my fabulous Dawny ... Yay! for me...Boo! for my writing.

Saturday got to spend time with my oldest nephew and youngest sister.  Yipee 2 1/2 hr Meijer's trip!  I got no writing done during the day, but i did get a new purse,dress,shoes :) 

Saturday night, we went to an old high school friend of mine's place for a dinner party.  Zero writing got acomplished...but i did book a Pure Romance party, have some yummy homemade italian, possibly sign a new consultant, and get offered a new kidney for my mommy!!! :D  Honestly way more important than some words on a screen could ever mean to me.

Sunday day we slept late, then went to Chan's(best chinese ever!!) for some spectacular lunch, then my baby suprised me with a movie (Shutter Island rocks!)

Sunday night...we shall see where the mood takes me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Writing Project

A very involved straight woman(Kate) moves in with a lesbian(Alex) and a gay man(Dennis).

The two women become very close and find themselves falling for each other.

Can Kate find the courage to love Alex?

Will it be too late?

Will it be enough?

And what will become of her relationship with Mark?

Day 1: How does one find the words?

It is day one of my little endevor and already I found myself running into issues.  Suprised? No....and Yes!  I was not suprised that I encountered problems so soon.  However, I was kind of thrown by the nature of said issues.  I am usually the last person to not be able to find the perfect words for every occasion.  Nevertheless, that is exactly what happened today as I struggled to introduce my two protagonists to each other.  Today I wrote for about 2 hours(not steadily though as I had to do some research and heavy thesaraus work).  Also, I had a very impatient needy Scotty viaing for my attention as well.  Oh well.

Overall Daily Outcome: 650 words!